Dr. Eva von Domaros


Eva von Domaros, Dr
Junior group leader
Professur Computational Materials Science
Room 130
Löbdergraben 32
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link

Research Interests

  • Nuclear quantum effects
  • Anharmonicity
  • Quantum chemistry and electronic structure
  • Molecules and clusters, isolated and in solution


Full Name Eva von Domaros, nee Perlt
Date of Birth January 25, 1987
Place of Birth Berlin
Nationality German
Marital Status Married, one son


since 07/2021

Junior research group leader
Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research, University of Jen

04 − 06/2021 Postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Dr. Beate Paulus
Freie Universität Berlin
2018 − 2021

Postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Dr. Filipp Furche
University of California, Irvin

2015 − 2017

Postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Dr. Barbara Kirchner
University of Bonn

12/2015, 05/2016

Visiting researcher in the group of Prof. Dr. Jürg Hutter
University of Zürich

01/2015 − 03/2015

Postdoctoral researcher with PD Dr. Arthur Ernst
University of Leipzig


PhD thesis
"Floating Orbital Molecular Dynamics Simulations"
University of Leipzig, supervised by Prof. Dr. B. Kirchner
(summa cum laude)

2011 − 2014 PhD student in the group of Prof. Dr. Barbara Kirchner
University of Leipzig
01/2011 Master's thesis
"Electronic and Thermodynamic Properties of Gaseous and Liquid Phases"
University of Leipzig
(grade 1.0)
09/2008 Bachelor's thesis
"Isochore Wärmekapazität und Quantum Cluster Equilibrium Methode"
University of Leipzig
(grade 1.0)

Awards and Fellowships

2021 DFG Return Grant
2018 − 2021 DFG Research Fellowship
2015 Sigrid Peyerimhoff Award for young female scientists
2011 − 2014

PhD scholarship "Landesinnovationspromotion"
European Social Funds (ESF)