Computer screens and a wooden cluster model

About us

Computer screens and a wooden cluster model
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

The Computational Materials Science Group

The central elements of our research activities are the development and applications of cutting-edge approaches for the engineering of a broad range of novel functional materials with superior properties.

The hallmark of our research program is close collaboration with experimental groups working in various disciplines of materials science, physics, engineering, and chemistry to achieve this goal.

The Computational Material Science Group attracts outstanding materials scientists, physicists and chemists who work in our international team on solutions for a better future.

The group warmly welcomes prospective students and visitors to join us. Join us to experience and share the excitement of computational materials science!

For more information for students, research collaborators, and industry, please use the contact below.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Computational Materials Science Group

Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research
Löbdergraben 32
07743 Jena